So I completed #2 on my 25 things I'd like to do before I turn 25 list. I completed the half-marathon, running with my dad and my brother. The adrenaline of the crowd really did carry me on. I think my longest run in my "training" was 5 miles.. and I felt great race day through mile 7. My hips starting hurting after that point, but one thing that really helped me keep going was praying for others. It kept my mind off what I was feeling, and on higher things. My brother caught up with me around mile 10, and he and I finished before our goals of 2 hr 30 min. I finished at 2 hr 22 min, which I'm very happy with, although I'm still taking it easy for my hips' sakes. If I ever do it again, which I might (say in Disney World!), I would definitely plan on taking training more seriously. What a great experience!
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