Do you ever find yourself getting annoyed at yourself for being annoyed? I feel like I've been in that place more frequently this month. I have no excuses. Being a bit light on sleep or exercise or me time doesn't excuse lack of patience. Sometimes I feel like I can roll with the punches, and other times I feel like once ruffled I just can't get back my "normal" state of mind. Focus on the little irritants and my joy goes out the window? I would love to improve at casting all my cares, my anxieties and worries.
Realizing I'm bothered is good, but I so desperately want to learn the next step. After getting over my initial "I'm annoyed" feeling (with a sweet phone call and some unconventional routine breakers), I found myself wondering if really getting the focus off myself would help. My plan: remove "I" from the start of all statements tomorrow.