Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Staying Strong (trying)

 via This past Sunday at Crosspointe, they had baptisms. I was surprised by how emotional I felt watching them. Not only is it great to see the experiences for fellow believers, but I think it took me back to the day I got baptized, which was much later on in my relationship with Jesus. It was Sept. 21, 2009. For me, it marked a change in my life. It correlated with a decision to really live in that relationship, and try to listen to my first love first. The decision was in the midst of a lot of mental battles for me, and it was a decision to put God first, and start taking care of myself. While I still messed up a lot (I remember saying some very hurtful things to a best friend the next week), I started going to counseling very soon after, and made decisions listening to the Holy Spirit, not friends or family or my insecurities or my kinda boyfriend at the time. I became truly happy again (aka, not self-destructive, and have been since!), and Sully was a good decision that came up about a month later :) and 3 months after Sully, I went on my first date with my now fiance. I've seen God's hand in my life, in my relationship, my peace of mind, etc. so much since then, which I'm so thankful for. Apparently watching baptisms reminds me of where I was, where I am now, and the commitment I want to have to keep my relationship strong!

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